Why You Should Have Your Brakes Checked Several Times A Year When You Live In San Francisco
Living in San Francisco is quite an adventure. The trolley cars and the many different neighborhoods are as unique to this city as the subway trains and buroughs are to New York City. The biggest difference, however, is that New York City is mostly flat, while 'Frisco has numerous and very steep hills. In fact, San Francisco is murder on car brakes. If you live there, you need to have your vehicle's brakes checked several times a year.
How Your Mechanic Could Save Your Life
Auto mechanics shoulder a lot of responsibility with the proper functioning of your car. What you may not know is that they are superheroes in disguise. They can save your life, when and where you least expect it. Here is how.
Recall Notices
If you do not receive a recall notice on your vehicle, or you simply lost it and forgot it, your mechanic could save your life. Most recall notices are sent because the dangers noted are potentially life-threatening if the affected vehicles are not repaired.